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Todos: Additional Actions & Widgets

Since todos are an integral part of a CRM system, we treat these objects slightly differently out of the box, compared to other lime types. This is why todos hold some functionality specific for this lime type. Some parts of these additional todo-specific features are customizable and some are not.


The lime type must hold the label of todo, for these features to work properly!


All todos have these three actions. These three actions are uncustomizable.

  • Mark as done manifests itself an action button that is only displayed when the field with label of Completed is set to false. When the action is triggered, it automatically sets the Completed field to true, and shows the user a Snackbar from which they get a chance to add a follow-up todo (with the same auto-attachments as the original todo).
  • Postpone manifests itself an action button that is only visible when a field labeled Completed is set to false. When the action is triggered, a UI is shown to the user which enables them to postpone the start date and the end date (if there is and end date set). The action of postponing updates the fields labeled StartDate and Duedate on the object.
  • Resume manifests itself an action button that is only visible when the Completed field is set to true. When the action is triggered,, it sets the value of the same field of Completed to false again.

There is one more feature which you manually can to add to todos, called Add next todo.

  • Add next todo. When this action is triggered, it pops the Create new todo dialog, but some "auto-attached" fields in the dialog are already pre-populated. It is as if you are duplicating the same todo, to easily add more similar task. This action is added in Lime Admin ➡ Views ➡ Todo ➡ Card ➡ Web components ➡ Add web component ➡ limec-add-new-todo-button.

This action manifests itself as an action button on the overview tab of the object card. By default, it is only visible when a field with label Completed is set to true; otherwise the action button will not be displayed. In other words, the Add next todo that is shown after a todo is marked as done.


A widget called Quick Note, is also available out of the box for all CRM installations, which can be displayed on the todo card. It provides an easy way of adding a History note quickly. The note which is created will respect the so called "auto-attach" settings which are set for the lime type History in Lime Admin.

The widget can be removed in Lime Admin ➡ Views ➡ Todo ➡ Card ➡ Web components

The quick note widget.

The quick note widget

This widget has some props that can be customized if necessary:

  • maxLength: a number that can optionally limit the quantity of characters which end-users are allowed to write.
  • colSpan: a number between 1 to 5 that defines the number of columns which the widget is allowed to occupy on the object card's widget area. It defaults to 2 when not specified.
    "maxLength": 280,
    "colSpan": 3,