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Managing Projects

Lime Project is our tool for generating the scaffolding for our different source code projects.


You need to have lime-project installed before you begin.


Never install lime-project with pip install as it might lead to version conflicts with other packages installed in your global Python environment.

Run the following:

pip install pipx
pipx install lime-project

Or the following if you want to upgrade your already installed lime-project to the latest version:

$ pipx upgrade lime-project


User and Password for the Lime PyPI can be obtained from Lime Technologies for any customer or partner

Starting a new project

To start a new project run

lime-project new [solution|package]

The difference between a solution and a package can be understood here

Generating new functionality

To add functionality to your project use

lime-project generate

Read more about the different types of functionality here

Upgrading an old project

If you have a package or a solution that was created for an older version of Lime CRM you have to upgrade it

Run the command below in order to get more information about what you need to do:

$ lime-project doctor health

A release of Lime Project

To install this version run:

$ pip install lime-project -i https://[PYPI_USER]:[PYPI_PASSWORD]