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If the event is for example [], the data sent will be all the limeobject data in the following format:

  "event": "",
  "body": {
    "id": 1004,
    "limetype": "lead",
    "values": {
      "lastname": "Testsson",
      "whentoinstall": "withinsixmonths",
      "builtyear": "",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "reseller": null,
      "nooffloors": "",
      "city": "",
      "lead_type": "empty",
      "phone": "",
      "casesenttoendcustomer": null,
      "casestart": "2023-10-27T13:34:56.420000+02:00",
      "firstname": "",
      "convertdate": null,
      "rejectiondate": null,
      "id": 1004,
      "createduser": 1,
      "createdtime": "2023-10-27T13:35:02.807000+02:00",
      "updateduser": 1,
      "timestamp": "2023-10-27T13:35:02.847000+02:00"

If the event is [lead.update], all data from the limeobject is sent, but the fields that have changed are specified in "original_values", with the old values.

  "event": "lead.update",
  "body": {
    "id": 1002,
    "limetype": "lead",
    "original_values": {
      "phone": "0704445556"
    "values": {
      "lastname": "Testsson",
      "whentoinstall": "withinsixmonths",
      "builtyear": "",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "reseller": null,
      "nooffloors": "",
      "city": "",
      "lead_type": "empty",
      "phone": "",
      "casesenttoendcustomer": null,
      "casestart": "2023-10-27T13:34:56.420000+02:00",
      "firstname": "",
      "convertdate": null,
      "rejectiondate": null,
      "id": 1004,
      "createduser": 1,
      "createdtime": "2023-10-27T13:35:02.807000+02:00",
      "updateduser": 1,
      "timestamp": "2023-10-27T13:35:02.847000+02:00"