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Custom events

It is possible to extend the events subscribable to in Lime Webhooks by registering custom events via a Python entry point.

Types of events

  • custom_event - A totally custom event with any routing key and payload
  • limeobject_event - An extension to the built in limeobject events

Registering events

In a Python package named custom-events.

Expose a variable like:

my_events = {
    'custom_events': [
            'name': 'my-event.test',
            'namespace': ['my', 'event'],
            'version': 'v1',
            'scope': 'Custom Event'
    'limeobject_events': [
            'name': 'customer',
            'limetype': 'company',
            'events': ['new', 'update']

In this case we add it into our package to you can put it in any file that makes sense. The different nodes custom_events and limeobject_events are optional if you are not registering events of that type.

Set up the entry point in your poetry based pyproject.toml as (skip the comment).

# unique name          path      variable
#     |                 |            |
"custom-events" = 'custom_event:my_events'

Custom event

A custom event is an event that can be published on any routing key and with any payload. The definition is:

    'name': 'my-event.test',
    'namespace': ['my', 'event'],
    'version': 'v1',
    'scope': 'Custom Event'
  • name - Your events unique name. Most be globally unique
  • namespace - your package event namespace
  • version - version of your event
  • scope - A label for your module that will show up in Lime Admin

Given the example above a event should be published on the routing key

Limeobject event

A very common scenario is to publish an event that extends our built in lime object events. This for example if we would like an event to be subscribable when a new customer is created or updated we can register an event as:

    'name': 'customer',
    'limetype': 'company',
    'events': ['new', 'update']
  • name - unique name
  • limetype - limetype the custom event applies to
  • events - events to register for

The above example will need an event to be published on or

An example is to publish an event in a Company Custom LimeObject as:

from lime_type.unit_of_work import LimeobjectNewEvent 

class NewCustomer(LimeobjectNewEvent):

    def __init__(self, limeobject):
        self.event_name = (

class Company(LimeObject):

    def after_update(self, unsaved_self, **kwargs):

        super().after_update(unsaved_self, **kwargs)

        # Logic to check stuff
        new_customer = NewCustomer(self)