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The endpoints are available under the base url: https://{your_lime_app_url}/{your_lime_app}/api/v1/subscription/

List available subscriptions

GET: /subscription/available/

List current subscriptions

GET: /subscription/

Create a subscription

POST: /subscription/

Request body:

    "events" : [""],
    "target_url" : "" 

Optionally a secret can be added. The secret is used to sign the payload of a webhook.

    "events" : [""],
    "target_url" : "",
    "secret": "SuperSecret123"

Updates a subscription

PUT: /subscription/:id

Request body:

    "events" : [""],
    "target_url" : "" 

Shows a subscription

GET: /subscription/:id

Response body:

    "id" : 1,
    "events" : [""],
    "target_url" : "",
    "enabled": true

Deletes a subscription

DELETE: /subscription/:id