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This add-on consists if these parts:

  • Web components for web client
  • Lime Bootstrap app for the desktop client
  • Custom endpoints (python backend)

Web Components

Activity matrix for the web client is built on Lime Web Components interfaces which provide an API and component life cycle management for the web client. More information can be found here: Lime Web Components. Most of the elements used in the Activity Matrix are Lime Elements. More information about Lime Elements can be found here: Lime Elements

Python Backend

The backend consists of three custom endpoints.

Matrix - GET


Gets the number of history activities of specific history types that are made by specific coworkers and that are made in between two dates. The result is grouped by classification and potential options.

Example json payload:

  "coworkers": ["1001"],
  "historyOptions": ["talkedto"],
  "startDate": "2020-07-18T00:00:00.000Z",
  "endDate": "2020-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"

Example repsonse:

        "classification": "314401",
        "potential": "324400",
        "numberOfActivities": 999

Coworker - GET


Gets information about which coworker that should be displayed in the list of coworkers. If a filter is applied, coworkers based on the filter is returned. If not a filter is applied, every existing coworker is returned.

Example json payload:

  "filter": "webclient.coworker.activecoworkers"

Example repsonse:

        "text": "LIME admin",
        "value": "1001"
        "text": "LIME Test USER",
        "value": "1002"

Included companies - GET


This endpoint is used when an element is clicked in the matrix. It fetches the number of companies that the activities are spread between.

Example json payload:

  "classification": "314401",
  "coworkers": ["1001"],
  "historyOptions": ["talkedto"],
  "potential": "315601",
  "startDate": "2020-07-18T00:00:00.000Z",
  "endDate": "2020-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"

Example repsonse: