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Installation Instructions



  1. Add addon-activity-matrix as a dependency to your solution.
  2. Build and deploy your solution.
  3. In the VBA editor of the desktop client, run lip.Install "addon-activity-matrix" or download the LIP zip file from the latest release and run lip.InstallFromZip, and select the zip file.

    You can also add potential and classification fields manually on desired table, leave the option keys empty to avoid possible matrix order problem. Remember to add the VBA module manually as well if you are running the desktop client.

  4. Configure the add-on.


    • Add the "addon_activitymatrix" folder from folder apps to the Actionpads\apps folder.
    • Include the following code to the index actionpad. If you already have a link-section only include the third line to the existing list.
    <ul class="menu expandable collapsed">
        <li class="menu-header" data-bind="text:localize.lc_actionpad_index.links"></li>
        <li data-bind="vba:'AO_ActivityMatrix.openMatrixPane', icon:'fa-building', text: 'Activity Matrix'"></li>