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  1. Use lime admin 2 to configure activity matrix. See here for one basic example configuration that should work out of the box with a standard base-solution and the provided lip package.


    • Configure the Start Page grid in lime admin 2. See here for one example that should work out of the box. See here for more information about the Start Page grid.

NOTE: Some features is not yet implemented in the desktop client and thus some of the configuration parameters is only for the web client. Affected parameters is: includedHistoryTypes, selectedHistoryTypes and selectedFilter. You can just leave them out or type what ever (legit value) you want in them.

Activity Matrix Configuration Parameters

Valid properties in the configuration of the matrix. Each property object is described in the subsections below.

Parameter Values Comment
company Object Required. Object that defines company properties.
coworker Object Required. Object that defines coworker properties.
history Object Required. Object that defines history properties.
includedHistoryTypes [string] Which history types that should be possible to filter on. Use the key in the option object as value, see example in example configurations below. All types will be included if left out.
selectedHistoryTypes [string] Which history types that should be preselected. Use the key in the option object, see example in example configurations below.


Valid properties on the company object.

Parameter Values Comment
limetypeCompany string Required. Name of the limetype company.
propertyClassification string Required. Property name of the classification property.
propertyPotential string Required. Property name of the potential property.
propertyCoworker string Required. Property name of the company property that has a relation to the coworker limetype.
propertyHistory string Required. Property name of the history property that has a relation to the history limetype.


Valid properties on the coworker object.

Parameter Value Comment
limetypeCoworker string Required. Name of the limetype coworker.
propertyName string Required. Property name of the name property.
selectedFilter string Filter ID of the coworker filter that should be preselected, see subsection here for description of filter id.


Valid properties on the history object.

Parameter Values Comment
limetypeHistory string Required. Name of the limetype history.
propertyCoworker string Required. Property name of the coworker property that has a relation to the coworker limetype.
propertyCompany string Required. Property name of the company property that has a relation to the company limetype.
propertyType string Required. Property name of the type property.
propertyDate string Required. Property name of the date property.

Filter ID

Finding a filter id in the web client:

filter id

Example Configurations

The below example is the default configuration that includes all history types.

  "company": {
    "limetypeCompany": "company",
    "propertyClassification": "classification",
    "propertyPotential": "potential",
    "propertyCoworker": "coworker",
    "propertyHistory": "history"
  "coworker": {
    "limetypeCoworker": "coworker",
    "propertyName": "name"
  "history": {
    "limetypeHistory": "history",
    "propertyCoworker": "coworker",
    "propertyCompany": "company",
    "propertyType": "type",
    "propertyDate": "date"

The example below is an example with Customer visit, Talked to, and Sales call as the included history types, and Talked to, and Sales call as preselected. The example also uses a preselected filter which only shows active coworkers.

  "company": {
    "limetypeCompany": "company",
    "propertyClassification": "classification",
    "propertyPotential": "potential",
    "propertyCoworker": "coworker",
    "propertyHistory": "history"
  "coworker": {
    "limetypeCoworker": "coworker",
    "propertyName": "name",
    "selectedFilter": "webclient.coworker.activecoworkers"
  "history": {
    "limetypeHistory": "history",
    "propertyCoworker": "coworker",
    "propertyCompany": "company",
    "propertyType": "type",
    "propertyDate": "date"
  "includedHistoryTypes": [
  "selectedHistoryTypes": [

Start Page Configuration - Web Client

One example of using addon-activity-matrix is adding it to the Start Page.

You add the Activity Matrix to the start page just as you would add any other widget.

  • In the Name field you type activity-matrix-addon.
  • The Properties field can stay empty.

A screenshot showing Start page configuration in Lime Admin.

Start page configuration in Lime Admin.

A screenshot showing the result on the Start page.

The result on the Start page.