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Installation Instructions



  1. If on-premise or isolated app in cloud:
    • Add the package addon-acd as a dependency in your solution.
    • Build and deploy your solution.
  2. In Lime Admin, go to the Setup page in ACD's settings and follow the instructions.
  3. In LISA, under Policies, give the group (System) ACD Read and Write permissions for the configured company limetype.
  4. Configure the add-on.
  5. If Desktop Client: Follow these instructions.
  6. Perform additional provider specific steps.

Desktop Client

The desktop app uses the same configuration as the web client but the following steps are required to enable the desktop version.

  1. Add VBA module AO_ACD.
  2. Add LBS apps addon_acd and addon_acd_modal to your Actionpad apps folder.
  3. Use the following example in your GeneralExplorerHandler to highjack the new company command in Lime CRM (adjust company if you are using another limetype):

    Private Sub m_Explorer_BeforeCommand(ByVal Command As CommandEnum, ByVal Parameter As Variant, Cancel As Boolean)
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        If Not ActiveExplorer is Nothing Then
        If ActiveExplorer.Class.Name = "company" Then
            If Command = lkCommandNew Then
                Cancel = True
                Call AO_ACD.OpenDialog
            End If
        End If
        End If
        Exit Sub
        Call LC_UI.ShowError("GeneralExplorerHandler.m_Explorer_BeforeCommand")
    End Sub
  4. Ensure proper tracking of ActiveExplorer with a eventhandler for the GeneralExplorerHandler:

    ' ##SUMMARY Executes everytime the explorer changes and defines what should happen when _
            explorer has been changed to a new one. <BR>In this specific sub we want to _
            refresh the actionpad if m_RefreshWebBar is set to true and if the explorer has _
            no parentInspector.
    Private Sub m_Application_AfterActiveExplorerChanged()
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        If Not m_Application Is Nothing Then
            If Not m_Application.ActiveExplorer Is Nothing Then
                Set m_Explorer = m_Application.ActiveExplorer
            End If
        End If
        Exit Sub
        Call UI.ShowError("GeneralExplorerHandler.m_Application_AfterActiveExplorerChanged")
    End Sub
  5. Add following code to the company actionpad to enable the status app on the company inspector:

    <div data-app="{app: 'addon_acd', config:{}}"></div>

Provider Specific Steps

Dun & Bradstreet Business Contacts

Use Both ACD and OBO

If OBO will be used along side with ACD, make sure to read how ID fields are handled here and follow the instructions below.

It is recommended to have separate ID fields for ACD and OBO. Let's call them acd_id and obo_id in this example. The trick is to make them collaborate with eachother so that you in OBO can update companies bought from ACD and vice versa.

  1. Since you already have some IDs in the obo_id field, these need to be copied into the acd_id field.
  2. Follow the steps for migrating from OBO to ACD, but this time do the ID fixing on the fresh acd_id field and let the obo_id field be as it was.
  3. Set SQL for update on both ID fields (obo_id and acd_id) in LISA according to instructions below. Remember to update field names in the example code to your actual field names.

This is depending on from which Dun & Bradstreet database Swedish companies are bought. There are two options in the OBO GUI: "Sweden" and "Sweden [PARAD]". Using "Sweden" will give you a prefix 112: and using "Sweden [PARAD]" will not give a country prefix at all. In order to be able to transform the ACD ID to a suitable ID for OBO, you must therefore decide if it should be without country prefix or with 112: as prefix.

For using prefix 112: for Swedish customers in OBO:

    WHEN [company].[parid] = '' AND [company].[acd_id] <> ''
            REPLACE([company].[acd_id], N'1:', N'112:')
    ELSE [company].[parid]

For not using any prefix at all for Swedish customers in OBO:

    WHEN [company].[parid] = '' AND [company].[acd_id] <> ''
            REPLACE([company].[acd_id], N'1:', N'')
    ELSE [company].[parid]
    WHEN [company].[acd_id] = '' AND [company].[parid] <> ''
                WHEN CHARINDEX(':', [company].[parid]) > 0
                    THEN REPLACE([company].[parid], N'112:', N'1:')
                ELSE N'1:' + [company].[parid]
    ELSE [company].[acd_id]
Migrate From OBO to ACD With Dun & Bradstreet Business Contacts

This is valid if OBO is no longer going to be used in the Lime CRM application, and the customer will instead use Business Contacts from Dun & Bradstreet.

Since the country prefix might not be present at all (if you only have had access to Swedish companies through OBO, that could be the case) or it might be 112 instead of 1 for Sweden, you must migrate all IDs to match the Business Contacts format. This means:

  • If no country prefixes: Update the existing ID field to be equal to "1:" + <existing id>.
  • If country prefix for Sweden is 112: For all records where the ID starts with "112:", replace "112:" with "1:".