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Configuration - General

Configuring ACD is done differently depending on which provider you are using. See the provider specific configuration pages for instructions and concrete configuration examples.

This page only explains the different parameters available.

Runtime Configuration Parameters

Here is a description for all available configuration parameters for ACD's runtime configuration.

Parameter Values Comment
disabled Boolean Optional. If disabled, ACD wont hijack the native create manually flow in the web client.
mapping List Required. Your field mapping, a list of mapping objects
limetypeCompany String Required. Limetype name.
propertyName String Optional name property. Used to prefill the native create manually dialog with the search text as a default value for company name.
propertyProviderId String Required. Name of Provider id property.
propertyLastUpdated String Required. Name of Last updated property.
propertyResponsible String Optional. Name of Responsible property. This will be set to the logged in user when creating a new company.
propertySavingError String Required. Name of Error message property. This will be populated when updates for a company can't be saved.
provider String Required. Name of provider, should be alma, dnbbc, dnbdirect, checkbiz, brreg, creditsafe, vainu or proff.
customCommandId String Optional. Used if you want to hijack the native create manually flow.
dnbbc Object Optional. DnBBC specific parameters, used when dnbbc is used as a provider.
creditsafe Object Required. Creditsafe specific parameters, used when creditsafe is used as a provider.
dnbdirect Object Required. Dun & Bradstreet Direct+ specific parameters, used when dnbdirect is used as a provider.
vainu Object Optional. Vainu specific parameters, used when vainu is used as a provider.
proff Object Optional. Proff specific parameters, used when proff is used as a provider.
propertiesToPopulateSearchWith Object Optional. Properties to popluate the ACD dialog with when dialog is opened from the company context.

Mapping Objects

Parameter Values Comment
limeProperty String Required. Lime CRM property.
providerProperty String Required. Data property from provider.

DnBBC Object

Parameter Values Comment
onlyShowActive Boolean Optional. Dictates if Show only active companies filter should be on or off. Defaults to false.
onlyShowHQ Boolean Optional. Dictates if Show only head office companies filter should be on or off. Defaults to false.
language String Optional. Dictates which language that should be used for code descriptions. Only sv or en are supported by D&B. Defaults to en if left out.

Creditsafe Object

Parameter Values Comment
onlyShowActive Boolean Optional. Dictates if Show only active companies filter should be on or off. Defaults to false.
onlyShowExactHits Boolean Optional. Dictates if Show only exact hits filter should be on or off. Defaults to false.
countries String Required. Default countries to search in. The countries need to be a part of of the agreement with Creditsafe.

DnB Direct+ Object

Parameter Values Comment
defaultCountry String Required. Default country to search in. Format: ISO-2 country code.

Vainu Object

Parameter Values Comment
country String Optional. Country to search in. Country has to be part of the agreement with Vainu. Defaults to NL.

Proff Object

Parameter Values Comment
hideManualUpdateButton Boolean Optional. Dictates if the manual update button should be hidden. That's only recommend when the automatic updates are enabled. Defaults to true.
countries List of string(s) Required. Indicates for which country/ies the client has an agreement. The strings must be two letter uppercase ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes ('NO', 'SE', and 'DK').
defaultCountry String Required. The country selected by default when performing a search.

Properties to Populate Search With Object

Parameter Values Comment
searchText List Optional. Search text field.
city List Optional. City field.