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User Experience

⚠️   Breaking Changes

The new search of the web client requires you to do a manual re-index after upgrade. This is done using limefu.

Python upgrade. Follow the installation guide.

⚡ Features

⏩   Faster Save

We added the possibility to turn of database customizations on save. This will reduce the complexity and database traffic when saving objects. The benefits are:

  • Faster save

  • Reduced risk of deadlocks in the database

  • Less load on the database

This feature can be enabled with the feature flag run_sql_customizations_on_update set to false. It will then disable these SQL customizations:

  • csp_beforeupdate, csp_afterupdate, csp_afterdataupdate and csp_afterupdatecompleted.

  • SQL for update.

  • Update if relation has changed.

The main replacement at the moment where logic should be moved instead is Custom Limeobject.

👤   Users and groups in Lime Admin

Users and Groups are now managed in Lime Admin. Hold on to your hat because it has never been smoother nor faster to work with Users and Groups in CRM!

You will be able to do everything you can do in LISA for Users and Groups, such as:

  • Create users

  • Create groups

  • Add users to groups

  • Set passwords

  • Create API users and API keys

  • Deactivate and delete users

  • and more

Read more in our docs.

With this new feature, we also have the possibility to do all of these things via our API. Click User menu ➡ API Documentation. 🤘

The search which is used by the web client is faster, more reliable and future-proof. We are now using Elastic 7 instead of Elastic 5.

We have crushed a few bugs and doing indexing in a better fashion. Re-indexing is faster and not necessary to do as often. This means that if a property (also called field) on a limetype (table) is changed, deleted or added in LISA, a reindex of that limetype is NO LONGER required.

📅   User Preferences: Date Formats (beta)

Select how you want to present time and dates. For example 2023-03-31 or 31.03.2023 for dates and 13:37 or 1:37 PM for times.

Enabled using feature switch useUserPreferences

📝   New to-do workflow (beta)

We have a new, smooth and lean to-do workflow ready for you. Gone are the big modals with too many choices.

Some of the new features

  • New postpone component. Fast, light and smooth. 😻

  • Quick note. Quickly add a history note with minimum amount of clicks. 💥

  • Mark as done with the option to Add next todo from a snackbar. No big modal that you need to dismiss every time. 🤘

  • When adding the new todo, we use the normal form. Which means: same layout, same features, auto-attach, hide fields, etc. works. 🙏

  • Add next todo from button in widget slot. If you want more than the Add next todo in the snackbar, you can add a button called Add next todo to the card, that's always present for done to-dos. ✅

Enabled by setting the feature switches useNewMarkAsDone and useNewTodo set to true. And add the web component limec-quick-note to the To-do card.

🍬   Some small goodies

  1. Possibility to add prepare_update() hook for Custom Limeobject, which runs before the database transaction starts. Which could reduce the risk of deadlocks in the database when saving.

  2. Lime Admin has received some love and care. A better code editor and much more compact layout are two much requested features.

  3. Lime Admin now works on phones. If you're on the run and need to add a column to a table view -- now you can.

  4. Bulk update turned on everywhere. Previously, you needed to switch Bulk update on for each lime type. Now, Bulk update is available for all lime types by default. You can inactivate it for certain lime types or user groups if you wish.

  5. Navigate to your profile (coworker) card via the user menu.

  6. Set default filter set for explorer (to-do) widget using the parameter filterId.

🐞   Bugfixes

  • Date picker for weeks looks different second time opened.

  • Text is column filters gets deleted for relation fields.

  • Separate settings for Global Search: one for The Search and one for relation fields.

  • Option queries should not be applied to column filter pickers.

  • Slow relation picker and wrong results.

  • Save via web component should only save specific fields.

  • Avoid loading web components twice

  • Sales pipe widget having proper translations for Finnish.

  • Variant not working when variant field is "a relation away".

  • "Clear column filter" redirects to start page

  • SUM in tables not working properly

  • You can't save a filter when using "show connected"

  • Content in tabs does not load until you press 🔃

  • Fields that should be read-only due to policies are not read-only

  • Users can mark todo-s as done even though they only have read access

  • Options that are not updated does not show up when searching

  • It is now possible to login even if you are a member of 100+ groups

  • Tasks triggered by API-keys now get the database default language, previously they reused the language they had last time. But if that language had been disabled they got incorrect data model information.

  • The system is now much faster to rebuild its cache when a table is changed in LISA.

  • SCIM once again refreshes member cache when groups members are updated. This was a regression in Rysy.

  • SCIM doesn't update databasetimestamp (which invalidates most internal caches) unless it has too.

  • Performance has been slightly improved when saving relations between objects.

  • System is better at detecting when a sql-on-update customization isn't working and abort the entire save operation.

  • The [key] column in [sys_data] is now much bigger allowing addons to be much more specific when saving user data.

  • Calls to /ldc/LDC.Database/ExecuteBatch can no longer save the updates if something else goes wrong.

⚙️   Included services and frameworks

  • LDC - 12.9.1893

  • LISA - 12.8.35

  • Elastic Search - 7.17.9

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) - 8u111

  • Ngnix for Windows - SnapDragonfly

  • NSSM - 2.21-134

  • WinSW 2.12.0

  • Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server (MSODBCSQL18) -

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 x86 Redistributable (VC Redist) - [14.34.31938.0]{.mark}

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 x64 Redistributable (VC Redist) - 14.0.23026.1

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable (VC Redist) - 10.0.40219.325 (Required by Nginx For Windows)

  • Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server

  • Erlang OTP - 25.0.2

  • RabbitMQ Server - 3.10.5

  • Microsoft Handle (sysinternals) - 5.0

Erlang and RabbitMQ needs to be manually uninstalled to get upgrade. Check version first, if it's the same versions installed no action is needed. It's optional to upgrade. If upgrading, both Erlang and RabbitMQ needs to be upgraded. Instructions can be found here: Uninstall Erlang and RabbitMQ when doing Lime CRM Server upgrade